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VEC lectures on upper house voting as Opposition bemoans 'seats for sale scandal'

Rikki Lambert

After 5 days of early voting and a state election occurring on 26 November, Victoria's electoral officials have been stung into action explaining how upper house voting works after footage emerged of the 'preference whisperer' business model.

Whilst saying the activities of Glenn Druery in offering his preferencing services for profit were not illegal, electoral commissioner Warwick Gately (pictured above, right) has moved to educate voters that they can control where their preferences go by numbering as many boxes as possible below the line. The 'whispering' of preferences are only possible if a voter numbers 1 above the line and no other boxes.

Victorian Liberal shadow minister for government accountability, Louise Staley claimed on Friday morning that Premier Daniel Andrews was "up to his neck in this Seats for Sale scandal and no amount of his usual obfuscation and deflection will hide the stench."

The state Liberals have promised an overhaul of upper house voting after the controversy after pursuing the change for eight years.

A Labor-chaired committee recommended in 2020 to reform the voting system after the 2018 election but no reform occurred.

Northern Victoria MP Tim Quilty told voters the race in that seat was likely between himself and a Labor candidate:


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