District Council of Streaky Bay Mayor Travis Barber has blasted SA Health's response to COVID-19 in regional communities.
Streaky Bay recorded one positive case of COVID-19 earlier this week in a traveller from Victoria, but it's the response to the situation from SA Health that has raised the ire of Mayor Barber.
Mayor Barber said it was the Council who alerted the community to the positive case and complained about the lack of information coming from the state-run health department.
"It's concerning that Council felt it had to update the community regarding the positive case," said Mayor Barber.
"There were strong rumours circulating in the community for the previous 24 hours.
"SA Health should understand how communication networks work in regional areas. Council was inundated with public enquires regarding the rumour and people looking for the vaccination clinic".
Mayor Barber also accused SA Health of lacking insight into how regional communities work.
"This (information) needs to come from SA Health not the bush telegraph," Mayor Barber said.
"Regional communities have less resources to deal with any potential outbreaks, hense there is a high need to be proactive in communications to limit the spread.
"In Streaky Bay we have a high proportion of elderly and immunocompromised that need to take extra precaustions".
As of Wednesday evening SA Health had still not updated its exposure site list to include any specific sites in Streaky Bay and information continues to flow via word of mouth in the town.
To add to the local confusion, those seeking COVID-19 vaccinations in the town have reportedly been directed by the SA Health website and call centre staff to attend the Streaky bay Institute. According to Mayor Barber the site has been used as a pop up vaccination hub but is not currently in use.
"Individuals have turned up at the Institute, realise it isn't a regular clinic and then present at to Council's offices to complain," Said Mayor Barber
"There have been people stating they were referred there, via SA Health Call centre staff.
"This is despite our council requesting the information be updated several times."
SA Health has been contacted for comment regarding the situation. The story will be updated if they reply.