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Murraylands MP at odds with national farmer body on 450GL water target

Rikki Lambert

A 2007 drought photo of a silted River Murray mouth at Goolwa, SA

A Mallee-based South Australian Liberal MP has stated a position on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan diametrically opposed by that taken by the National Farmers Federation on Tuesday.

Speaking on Flow in the lead up to the March 19 state election, the member for Hammond, Adrian Pederick said it was critical the 450 gigalitre target for water recovery over and above the initial 2,750 GL target was critical for farmers:

"It's good to see good barrage management, especially anyone using the river for recreational purposes - the River is flowing fast - it's so good to see water coming back after those 2006-2010 drought years.
"We just have to keep pushing forwards so that we get the full 450GL of the Murray Darling Basin Plan so that we have more water in the dry years ... we need as much as we can get, I'll keep advocating we get our rightful share right down the bottom here. South Australia is a world leader on how we manage irrigation because are at the bottom of the system, it's critical for the environment and for critical human needs."

The new Hammond boundaries for the March 2022 state election, losing Mid-Murray and Mallee farming areas

Hammond has encompassed for several elections farmers in the Mallee and Murraylands of eastern South Australia, but on Wednesday the National Farmers Federation the 450GL target should be dumped. NFF Water Committee Chair Malcolm Holm said:

"The upcoming election will be crucial for Basin communities. The next Government will preside over the critical 2024 reconciliation and there have been no answers to how this issue will be addressed,"
"Basin communities must not be faced with the prospect of more water buybacks. Governments must articulate a pathway beyond 2024, using the 2018 five-yearly Productivity Commission report as a starting point. This will be critical to giving Basin communities confidence, including for investment."

Hear the full interview with member for Hammond, the Liberals' Adrian Pederick, on the FlowNews24 podcast:


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