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More housing for regional Victorians front and centre of Anne Webster's Christmas agenda

Ellis Gelios

Dr Anne Webster, the Nationals Member for Mallee, recently endorsed a coalition pledge targeted at getting more Australians in regional and remote settings under a roof.

Image credit: Anne Webster MP official Facebook page
Image credit: Anne Webster MP official Facebook page

The Federal Opposition recently announced its $5 billion home building plan, with a target of 30 per cent of the funding to be invested to in new builds for Australians based regional, rural and remote parts of the country.

Webster appeared on Flow's Country Viewpoint program to detail her support for the coalition's pledge.

"I've been meeting with councillors over the last few days and you know that their desperate need for housing is across Australia, there's no question about that and that's why Peter Dutton announced the $5 billion to assist in getting infrastructure and that means road, sewerage, electricity, water, all of those basic things," Webster said.

"If a council can't afford and a lot of our shire councils cannot afford to do this, to expand in an area, then you can't build houses. It's as simple as that - the Coalition understands that and we've put $5 billion on the table and there is a commitment now, a very clear commitment to regional Australia of $1.5 billion.

"The councils are really relieved that this is a clear offer of assistance, so the Housing Industry Association have offered to do round tables with construction companies and builders and councils and put together regional, you know, in our case, obviously regional plans to ensure that we get our bite of the cherry as we should. 

When asked about the current Federal Government's target of building more than a million homes by 2029, Webster implied the target was unrealistic because of Labor's lack of a pro-active approach.

"A big headline is a nice big headline, but when you start digging underneath the labor headline, really there are no shovels in the ground," Webster said.

"There is no action actually being taken."


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