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Mental health support for Australians in the bush continues to ramp up after adverse seasonal conditions

Ellis Gelios

Global Animal Health Company Zoetis recently announced a partnership with Beyond Blue to lessen the mental burden on regional Australians, with an AUD $100k donation to Beyond Blue to support mental health in rural Australia. 

Image credit: Beyond Blue official Facebook page
Image credit: Beyond Blue official Facebook page

Zoetis, reached its goal of raising significant funds for Beyond Blue's supportive services to support mental health initiatives and reduce stigma around mental illness in rural and regional Australia. 

It has been a long-standing commitment between both organisations in their support of mental health in rural and regional communities, where accessing mental health care can often be challenging due to factors such as geographic isolation, stigma and financial constraints

The development in this space for those in regional and rural Australia struggling with their mental health follows on from news covered on Flow's Country Viewpoint program back in August.

Clinical psychologist, Luke Martin discussed the initiative when it was in its early stages at that time.

"We're kind of seeing a lot of people affected by these more extreme weather events and natural disasters which people in rural areas have a greater exposure and vulnerability to - we're seeing a lot of cost of living pressures and cost of doing business pressures," said Martin.

"A lot of these factors have been out of people's personal control, so it's really building up and we know country people are tough but everyone has their limits and needs extra support which is why at Beyond Blue, we're really encouraging people to not let problems snowball until they become really severe. 

"We can start to spiral down and get into a bit of a negative thought spiral, so if you're feeling low in mood, if you're feeling full of worry, if you're feeling irritable or a bit snappier than usual and you're kind of stuck in these feelings and you can't shake them... then it's a sign that your mental health might be being affected.

Martin emphasised the importance of regional Australians not feeling like a burden on others when it comes to reaching out for mental health support.

"it can be helpful to reach out just to kind of talk to someone about what's going on to you and it's an absolutely a sign of strength to do that," Martin said. 

"It's not a sign of weakness to reach out for support, everyone needs some extra support from time to time, we say it's never too early and it's never too late.

"There's always hope that things can get better and we have thousands and thousands of people that contact our support service every year in some very dark difficult moment and there's light beyond that."


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