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  • Jason Regan

Lameroo Silo Art project progresses

Lameroo Forward has been around for about 18 months now, doing what it can to take its community forward.

The organisation is best described as a "Progress association with a twist" and is made up of community members of all ages. At a meeting a while back, the issue of painting the town's silos was raised. After much discussion around the table, it was committee member Lynton Barrett who uttered the words most wanted to hear.

Barrett was straight to the point, "Let's do it".

From that point on Lameroo Forward moved from talking to planning. Stage one of the Lameroo silo art project has received funding from the local hotel's community promotions and development fund.

The blank canvas that is the Lameroo silos

Committee member Nicole McMahon explained this was enough money to help run some initial consultation in the form of a community survey and select an artist to help with the next stage of planning.

"Stage one involves getting the artist down to consult with the community over two days to help develop a concept piece," said McMahon.
"From there we'll be able to really hone down and decide what we want on our silos before we source the funding needed to make it a reality".

The group have selected an experienced muralist from Adelaide, Jack Fran, to help develop the concept piece and conduct the next round of public consultation.

Adelaide based artist Jack Fran is an experienced muralist and has been selected to help design the concept piece for the Lameroo silo art project
"Our initial round of consultation with the community received 170 survey responses which has enabled us to provide Jack with a shortlist of ideas," said McMahon.
"The final artwork needs to be reflective of the community and make sure it unites the town".

More details on the project and what's next can be heard via our interview with Nicole McMahon in the podcast below.

Lameroo Forward's Nicole McMahon on FLOW FM's Country Viewpoint


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